In person and online individual tutoring sessions are designed for students grades 3-9. Programs are customized for each student and designed to address areas of need while highlighting individual strengths. I use a structured teaching approach to ensure that
prerequisite skills are consolidated in order to facilitate understanding and mastery of new material. Students develop a strong foundation so that a solid grasp of curriculum is established. Opportunities for success are built into each program and self esteem grows along with mastery.
Reading Support
● Phonics, phonemes and fluency
● Vocabulary and spelling
● Decoding words and stories
● Reasoning and comprehension
Writing Support
● Spelling and grammar
● Words to sentences
● Paragraphs to narratives
● Organization and accuracy
Math Support
● Introduction, review and mastery of grade appropriate curriculum
● Number sense, algorithms and operations
● Measurement and geometry
● Algebra
● Word problems