In person and online individual tutoring sessions are designed for students grades 3-9. Programs are customized for each student and designed to address areas of need while highlighting individual strengths. I use a structured teaching approach to ensure that
prerequisite skills are consolidated in order to facilitate understanding and mastery of new material. Students develop a strong foundation so that a solid grasp of curriculum is established. Opportunities for success are built into each program and self esteem grows along with mastery.
prerequisite skills are consolidated in order to facilitate understanding and mastery of new material. Students develop a strong foundation so that a solid grasp of curriculum is established. Opportunities for success are built into each program and self esteem grows along with mastery.
Reading Support
● Phonics, phonemes and fluency
● Vocabulary and spelling
● Decoding words and stories
● Reasoning and comprehension
Writing Support
● Spelling and grammar
● Words to sentences
● Paragraphs to narratives
● Organization and accuracy
Math Support
● Introduction, review and mastery of grade appropriate curriculum
● Number sense, algorithms and operations
● Measurement and geometry
● Algebra
● Word problems
©Mastery Teaching 2024